
::Q's Paintbrush Pillow::

I was fortunate to have a really fabulous tester for my Paintbrush Pillow. Her name is Q. And we seem to be kindred spirits of sorts. You know, those people you just instantly connect with?

She just shared pictures of her final Paintbrush Pillow...Ta-Dah!!!

Pretty fantastic, huh?! I love the graphic black and white. I love that she made it into a rectangular pillow--pretty easy to adjust the pattern!
I love the way she used the natural spaces created as buttonholes!

She is a really talented gal! If you want to "meet" her and follow her around like I do, check out her blog called QCReated here. Her beautiful Etsy shop is here where you can find the pattern to make this...

...as well as finished bangles and a bunch of other adorable stuff!

Not only is she amazingly creative, but she is a Sister on The Fly!! Can I just tell you that I am a bit jealous. If you don't know who they are--and especially if you love vintage caravans--please check out their website here! I must figure out a way to get involved!

Thanks, again, Q! (My new friend.)

Side note:  My yarn to finish my Falling Leaves "Flying Colors" blanket finally arrived...

...along with, well, maybe just a few bonus skeins. 

Because by purchasing a certain dollar amount, shipping would be free, so, well, of course, I HAD to--it only makes sense, right? (That is exactly how I explained it to my dear hubby--and it didn't make sense to him. Huh? Wonder why?)

Maybe it's because he remembers the 70 skeins I found at the thrift store last week. Oh, well. I'm doing some serious hooking today.

Happy Spring!

{On the Board} -- She turned her CAN'Ts into CANs and her dreams into plans.
Linking up with these fine folks.

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