
::Rolling Along::

My rolled swirls are coming along. After much struggling (and still some indecision), I've settled on a soft winter white.

But I can't have just white. I always need a little spot of color. So take note of the little felted leaves. They might make these little swirls just right. Now to put it all together--in my mind and with my hook! 

It is Fall break here and I'm enjoying the time with my family. My dear mother-in-law came to visit for a couple of days. We talked and laughed and ate too much food. We also made a trip to the thrift store. Yup. Bought stuff.

I "rescued" this needlepoint for $2. I always feel so bad when I see handmade items like this there--since I understand how much time goes into making them. But honestly, I bought it for the frame. I didn't love the picture as much as I do now. It is growing on me. I like that I can barely see the faint gray clouds in the blue sky. And the blossoms on the trees make me think of Maryland in the spring where I lived for a short time as a child. 

I'm thinking about painting or whitewashing the frame. Maybe something creamy white or soft pink. But nothing too dark or intense. I want the picture to be the focal point.

I also came across these old barnwood frames for $1 each. And my happiest find was this vintage laundry cart--probably from the local laundromat. It is currently on my front porch. Maybe it will become my spot for seasonal decorating. Any ideas, folks?

My boys have enjoyed the time off from school--particularly because the weather is HEAVENLY!!

Luke worked hard in the yard to rake some leaves...

But as is required with children, you must jump in them. (He is actually hidden in this pile!)

I love the autumn colors, the sound of the crunching leaves, the smell of the fallen leaves, the feel of the cooling air. I also thoroughly enjoy dressing in layers!

I think I'll go sit on my front porch and sew for a bit until it gets too cold.

{QUESTION}--What is your favorite season and why?


  1. I also love the fall...the cool crisp air, the wonderful colors. But spring comes in close second, almost a tie. I love to see the world coming to life. I am so excited to see your roses and leaves coming together. It is going to be great. Can't wait to see it finished!!!

  2. love the swirls!!!!
    My fav season is Spring, because Nature little by little awakes again....
    happy weekend, xxx Alessandra

  3. Ah, my favorite time is Fall. For many of the same reasons you love this time of year. I think Mother Nature is in her full glory at this time. The colors of the mountains is spectacular. Even though She (Mother Nature) is getting ready for her sleep it is still the most beautiful time of the year. Love you little swirls. . Hmm, now what are you making them for? Have a wonderful week end my dear friend. Hugs, Karie


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