
Yummy Yarn & Yute

Here are a few projects I have been working on lately. I still have a bazillion UFO's that I need to get to but I seem to be a little impulsive and sew the next thing on my mind. Adult ADD, I think.

A beautiful hat called the Divine Hat because you can't see the joins each round and it works up so fast. Too bad I look ridiculous in hats. Anyone want it?

I love the spirally thing it does!

A sweet little newborn hat with cherries on top! I don't know where I found the pattern.

I made this little felted "L" pillow to remind me of my Lizzie when she is away. It rests in the studio on her IKEA bed that doubles as a sewing seat for me and Mr. Darcy.

Isn't he the cutest little guy? I brushed his wee wings to make them a bit fuzzy as if he hasn't learned to fly yet.

I love how his eyes are not quite straight. Those little imperfections give us all so much character!

I don't love this market bag, but it is cool mercerized cotton, stretchy and big enough to take to the beach. It was a default project that I needed to keep my hands busy but not my brain!!Speaking of beaches--we took the boys to the beach at the Great Salt Lake. Okay, not much of a beach, but I thought they should at least step in the second saltiest lake in the world--a whopping 25% salt and the Dead Sea is 27% (I know, I'm a science nerd)--since they only lived several miles away. Luke was so not happy with the brine flies, when we set him down and took off his shoes he froze, started to cry and yelled, "Dwoss!!" (Translation--"Gross!")Needless to say, we only stayed a few minutes. At least we can say we went there, huh?

I made this little pot of flowers and decided to felt it. I wasn't so happy with the felting--it made the pot a little wonky and the flowers curled during the process but didn't felt well on the inside of the petals. Note to self--next time do it by hand instead of the machine.

But I love the button centers, of course! By the way, the granny background is another little surprise I hadn't finished when I took the pictures. Not telling what it became but when I get my laziness to get the camera out I'll snap a photo or two of the result.

Did I ever say that color makes me ever so happy?!

While taking photos, my little Luke decided to get in on the action. "Peach, Yute, Mommy!" "See peach, Mommy!" This child is exuberant about all of life. Everything seems to make him smile and get excited. It's a bit contagious, too.

Another gloriously happy day in my life. Why is it that I am so blessed?


  1. Luke and the owl are my favorites! I have to say that the hats are super close seconds! (I also look ridiculous in hats!)

    Did you just make the "L" or was it something that you have had done for a while?

    I love your blog!

  2. I just finished the "L" about a week ago. I love your blog, too. It is about the only way to keep up with my long lost friends!!

  3. I am in OWL LOVE!!!!! iam doing little sams room in owls....when can I come shop at your house?!:)
    Your hats are FAB too! Why did you have to move? I LOVE the post about eric and his friends - that is what i dream for for my chilren too! miss you!


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