
Blessings of FRIENDS!!!

One of the main reasons we moved here was for Eric--so that he could grow socially and have some FUN!! Although we loved our last neighborhood, there were very few boys Eric's age and because he never attended the local school, it became even harder for him to make friends. I dreamed of him having the kind of friends I did as a child--you know, the kind that you still keep in touch with forty years later. It would take more time than I have to describe my idyllic childhood. But even if Eric could have a taste of true friends--people who can see his uniqueness as a gift, not a burden. Friends he can argue with about which is cooler--Star Wars or Marvel. (Yes, he has already done this!) Get mad. Get over it. Pretend in a very intense way. Race around crazy-like and not be criticized but enjoyed. Listened to as he shares his latest invention idea or dream of being the lead investigator of "The Paranormals"--a team of ghost hunters. Ahhhh, but only a dream, right?

NOOOOOO!! Not a dream, but a reality. And to top it off, they live just across the street!! How cool is it that the doorbell rings at nine a.m. every day with someone who WANTS to play with Eric. A couple of weeks ago, he was gone for a couple of days to Scout camp and six different boys came knocking throughout the day to play with him. It has been such a joy to watch him grow. He has been invited to parties, movies, the zoo, and friends' houses. They genuinely really like him! And he is HAPPY!! I had to giggle the other day when the doorbell rang, and he gently sent the friend away because he had some chores to do. I heard him mutter as he shut the door, "Don't I even just get one day to myself?!"

These two boys are brothers--Spencer and Brett. They are wonderful. The one with the glasses reminds me so much of Eric it is odd--they have many similar traits and both refer to each other as "my best friend". Speaking of friends, Shannon and I actually get together with their parents--dinner, movies, talking politics--too fun! (Side note: Eric got braces!)

Spencer and Brett miraculously got accepted to Eric's school, too!! Maybe Spencer and Eric will be in the same fifth grade class together.

How blessed we are!!


  1. I just can't tell you how much my heart loves to hear this news!!!!!!!! I am so happy for Eric and for you and Shannon! Yay!!!

  2. im crying as im reading this. my lil brother is all grown up. they are all so cute!


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