
Crazy Crochet Creation Crunch!!

When I was nine years old, my grandmother Evelyn McGee taught me how to crochet granny squares. How she did this as a lefty to a really squirmy righty still baffles me. But she did it. After a few small projects, I became distracted with other endeavors like running, climbing and other tomboy-ish feats--like jumping off of carports. Several years ago I came across a rippling blog that inspired me to pick up a very long lost skill--but a skill that returns quickly--something like riding a bike. Now I am slightly addicted to everything yarny!!

Following are some much-delayed photos done by a horrible photographer (me!) of the few things I have created but either not sold or gifted yet. (Now I am wishing that I was not such a procastinator and had photographed the dozens of other hooky creations!!)

My all time favorite wooly yarn--hooky heaven!!

Now that I am in my new house, I actually have a studio where I can put my beautiful yarn, notions and patterns. Plus I have the most comfortable space to sit. It includes a sofa bed for Lizzie when she comes to stay. If you ask Luke to go to Mommy's room he will go there--not my bedroom--apparently he thinks that belongs to Daddy. Maybe it is because Shannon works stupid hours and often sleeps days.
Almost all of my pattern books I found at a yard sale for a mere 25 cents each--brand new from a craft store rep. My own little piece of heaven!! Now I can't wait to paint the studio--I will reveal when it is all finished--which knowing me, will be many months!

I found three shadow boxes at the DI (my all-time-favorite-vintage-find-stop). I have decided on an artist's name and Lizzie helped me come up with ideas for what to sew for the boxes that reveal the name--can you guess what's in the pink box?
I'll show the pink name box later . . .

This is one of my yarn wreaths with felted flowers. It actually is a great seller at the boutique so I need to make several more. I especially like the daffodil (but don't really like the mum--it makes it all too crowded looking somehow.) I can fix that--duh!

My first idea that ever sold--a felted sushi roll scarf. I have since seen it duplicated so the word must be getting out! How exciting!

(I also added some felted fortune cookies with twill tape 'fortunes' for fun.) The colors represent:
pink = meat/fish
orange = fish roe
green = avocado
white = rice
black = nori (seaweed)

Unrolled it is just a stripey skinny scarf

I have actually tried them with buttons so that they can be rolled up and buttoned, but tying them seems to be more appealing.

As of a few days ago, I started making some little amigurumi critters. This little cutecake doubles as a pin cushion.

The vintage-looking treasure in the background is actually a twin-size blanket made for Lizzie which took me what seems like forever. I love it! I made it with about 20 different colors of yarn of all different combinations for each flower. I did make one flower completely white to remind Lizzie of the Savior.

A little caterpillar amigurumi. Don't ask me why but it made me think of "take your friend to work day" so I made him a mini leash. This was my first attempt at brushing wool. I love that it made him fuzzy. Now I want to try it with angora!

You can see the all-white flower in this picture.

An autumny version of the yarn wreath

I love the acorns! And buttons make me happy!

A happy little mug of cocoa!

A cheerful fruity little guy

This little turtle has an attitude--his face looks kinda serious. Eric suggested I put buttons on his back for spots--who can resist a button! And he named him Shelly. Hmmm . . . a tomboy turtle?

Yet another variation of the yarn wreath in softer, more pastel shades. Did I mention that wool makes me happy? Especially when felted. Any mistakes or imperfections sort of disappear. I like that because I make plenty!!

I actually attach the buttons and flowers with straight pins. I love the color contrast and they are more secure than other methods I have tried.

I call this the Raspberry Willow Throw. I made it with a beautiful mercerized cotton that feels so good on your hands. And the colors are so vibrant. I just made up the picot edging and it balanced out perfectly on my first attempt--putting a picot right at each corner!

Some little nesting boxes made of cotton

I was going to sell them but decided that I like them in my studio for little bits of yarn and notions. Maybe I will make some more . . .

More buttons, of course!

A little neckie thingie with pom-poms, which I love. The yarn is a wool blend that is delicious with the greatest color variations!

A sorta boho messenger bag--smaller than I expected because it felted down so much!

I love the stringy edges--it meant no sewing in ends--something I really don't enjoy! And they look sorta nifty, too.

I like the little detail on the strap, too. Oh, and another button!!

A simple granny square scarf from the softest wool!

I made this wall hanging out of mercerized cotton. It drapes so well. I'm giving it to a gal up the street who just had a little babe. Maybe it will be handy in the nursery for toys or sweet little baby things. Or maybe she can use it near her nursing station?

More buttons! And look who sneaked in!!

A simple little stroller blankie--very small but won't get run over by stroller wheels.

A simple little toddler scarf--perfect for a little one to head off to pre-school this fall!

Look at the lovely colors in this yarn! It is a cravat that just hooks around itself to stay attached to your neck--very cool! Or should I say warm?!

The picture it is hanging on was painted by Lizzie's great grandmother, Ada Love. It is a lovely watercolor of her favorite little spot on Main Street in Disneyland.

Colorful and dottie blankie designed by me. Love the cotton!

A sweet little hat and blankie made from sublime bamboo yarn--now this stuff is heaven on my hands!

Pretty little edging, huh?

Better known as my boho hobo! You shoulda seen the size of this sucker before I felted it! It hung nearly to my knees. Now it is the perfect size. But still enough room to call me Mary Poppins!

Did I mention that every single wall and ceiling in my house is this horrid shade of gray-green. It is dark, depressing, and so NOT Sue! I can't wait to change the palette!!

I made several of these jute baskets. To add some color I held a strand of variegated wooly yarn. I really like how they turned out. But the jute is not nice to hands.

This is a project known as a UFO! I have quite a few UFO's but thought I would share this one. I really love it but it has a couple issues--
1. There are no pockets in this rather large bag
2. I need to figure out how to secure the handles from spinning around. When one spins and not the other they get very wonky. They should be circles and not ovals which would have made this a non-issue. Stupid me.
3. I am resisting finishing it because it requires lots of hand-sewing of flower rings--purple ones, too--and beads to each of the flower centers. I am not so good with this type of handiwork!

Flower rings--over 20 more to go!!

Notice the beads!! Ugh!!

A little baby block blankie--didn't like the yarn choice but the colors are nice.

I made this rose from coffee filters!! Thanks Martha Stewart!

This was one of the ripple blankets that got me hooked on hooking! I found the pattern on Alicia Paulson's website. How happy this one makes me--no color pattern, just lots of cheerful brightness!!

FiNAlLy!! Ain't she just the cutest little "unt" in her white gloves, earrings (buttons, of course) and beaded flower!?

Buttons, buttons--I've got the buttons!

Thanks for looking!!


  1. I love all of your beautiful creations. You truly are an artist ma! They are all so amazing! Your photography is brilliant too. I love my amazing mom. im so proud to be called your daughter! i love you mom!

  2. My Lucy is fawning all over the pictures of your creations! "Wow, she does a lot, huh?!" You go, Sue! Stephanie would probably kill for one of those granny square afghans. (spelling?) You are the queen!

    I have been thinking a lot about you and need to call. I have a funny story for you about babysitting. I hope I remember the right story, when I finally talk to you!


  3. Cute creations....I had NO IDEA you did all this! You are VERY talented! I sure miss you!


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