
Christmas '08

All I can say is ABUNDANCE!! Santa definitely found the house! And everyone was happy--Luke literally said, "Wow!!" upon opening every gift. Eric's favorite surprises were his Star Wars voice changer and ventriloquist dummy he named Rupert. Luke was delighted with everything as usual. And Lizzie seemed quite pleased with her Target gift card and Audrey Hepburn print. It was awesome to see that with her age has come maturity. She genuinely was more happy to watch her brothers open their presents than receive hers--although she did that with such gratitude. Later in the day my family came over to open some more (Nintendo DSes+clothes for my dear hubby) and eat some yummy brunch. It was a fabulous Christmas--and white to boot!

But the kicker for Christmas is always the giving to others. We have been so blessed this year--did I say ABUNDANCE already?--so we were able to give to some African refugees that live downtown. Some of these beautiful people have lived in refugee camps for over a decade and literally have nothing. It was such a joy to see their faces as they received some money to buy things for their families! Next year I want to be able to do so much more!!

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