
Vintage Vineyard Blanket Crochet Pattern

You know those magical crochet projects that seem to fly from your hands as soon as you pick up your hook and yarn? This is one of those for me. With a rhythmic stitch pattern and beautiful colors, I created the...

Vintage Vineyard Blanket crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Full of fabulous texture and gorgeous colors, it's just my kind of design. I also like the versatility of changing up the colors. Here's a brighter sample by one of my talented testers Courtney...

Vintage Vineyard Blanket crochet pattern by Felted Button (Photo courtesy of Courtney Knorr)

The pattern has been thoroughly tested and includes:
~notes, stitch abbreviations and special stitches sections
~yarn colors and quantities used in the sample
~complete blanket and border instructions including the multiples number to adjust the dimensions to whatever you wish

Vintage Vineyard Blanket crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

The sample blanket dimensions are 41.5in X 46.5in (105cm X 118cm) and required an I (5.5mm) hook and just under 2200 yds of worsted yarn. By the way, this blanket all started with this gloriousness...

Vintage Berroco yarn for Vintage Vineyard Blanket by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

The yarn is Vintage Berroco--an incredibly soft worsted that is 52% acrylic, 40% wool and 8% nylon. Seriously perfect for this project. I loved working with it. (Thanks, Cathy, for my Christmas gift!)

Oh, and take a gander at what Sandra from Beautiful Boardwalk did with her test sample...

Vintage Vineyard crochet pattern test sample made by Sandra of Beautiful Boardwalk

She simply made the blanket to the width outlined in the blanket pattern with six color changes and then seamed it--adding a button for decoration. (Because buttons make everything better, right?)

Oh, and another thing--I really love the border--how it imitates the stitch pattern but is simple and crisp. I'm happy with this one, I tell ya!

Vintage Vineyard Blanket crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

You can grab a copy of this pattern or any of my patterns in my shops here...

And don't forget, if you purchase $16.50 worth of patterns, enter code ESAVE3 at checkout for a $3 savings.  Nifty, huh?

I hope life finds you well. I've got some pretty exciting stuff going on behind the scenes at Felted Button, but the rest of the day will be spent weaving ends. (Not so exciting.)

Stay in the "Button" loop with me on Instagram (@FeltedButton) and Facebook here. And remember...

| On the Board | -- Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.
Susan Carlson of Felted Button--Colorful Crochet Patterns


  1. Like I said on Facebook; I think that this is one of your best designs. Yet :-))

    1. Thank you, dear Sandra. And thank you for your brilliant feedback.

  2. This is such a clever design. I love it!

  3. Love it my friend...as always :) You are amazing.

  4. Anonymous2/04/2016

    Such a lovely blanket! I love the colors and the corners. I've never seen corners crocheted like that! So unique!

  5. Epic! Love the border especially those wonderful corners.
    Have a great day. Hugs.

  6. Ein sehr hübsches Muster!
    LG lykka

  7. These colours are very beautiful!!

  8. Such a wonderful blanket! And I'm in love with the colors, great choice :)

  9. White green and purple grapes! All the best kinds :o) I particularly like the corners.

  10. Anonymous2/17/2016



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