
::Painting with Color::

I've been busy painting--furniture, walls, picture frames--well, a lot. Here's a little looksy at just a couple projects.

I didn't take "before" photos of this sad looking coffee table, but it is a center of activity in our house and was pretty beat up. Dings, scratches and a honey-colored pine left me feeling not so happy about it. Since it is solid enough to sit on--hey, I have kids--and we do lots of playing, coloring, crafting and, well, eating at this table, I had to give it a little restoration. I settled on some awesome laminated fabric from Heather Bailey
, her Freshcut collection to cover the damaged table top. It's called "Groovy", and I agree. It's groovy.
A few staples and a couple coats of mint paint, I have a "new" table. 

The walls in the background are newly painted, as well. Berries & Cream--an awesome purple-hued cool pink. Now both my living and family rooms sport this terrific color. Did my sweet hubby care? Not a bit. I'm a blessed woman!

I also painted this not-so-well-made piece I purchased for five bucks at a yard sale. I use it to house my DVD player and other electronic devices. It works well because I can hide them behind the doors, but they still respond to remote signals.

I gave it a couple coats of the same mint green paint, added some new fabric behind the chicken wire and attached colorful button knobs. I think I might switch the knobs to white, though. They seem a bit intense in color for the other softer colors. What do you think?

I've had this awesome button paper weight that was black. It needed a new coat of paint. It got one. I like it. I like buttons. Really?? Who knew??

I painted some frames and mirrors. Now I need to decide what color to paint the "quilt hanger". Maybe a soft aqua...

 My Breath of Heaven Baby Blanket pattern will be released this week--check my Facebook page to keep in the Button Loop. I've been working on a second. It's such a fun pattern with endless color possibilities! 

{On the Board} -- There is always ALWAYS something to be thankful for.


  1. Too cool! Love your colors! My first apartment was furnished with orange crates all decked out in contact paper. Wire coat hangers were covered with scarfs and crochet doilies as lampshades for a naked bulb. Curtains were old table cloths with ribbons, where the stains and the holes were. Wish I had pictures. It was very "homy" and truthfully, if I will ever need furniture I will go to an auction, buy something for 1 $ and spruce it up. We sat on zippered beanbag sacks- they had no beans in them, just clothes. The bean bags served also as"closets". But I had a no nonsense expensive can opener. hahaha

    1. I can totally picture your awesomely decorated space!! I wish you had pictures, too! It reminds me of my bedroom--lots of color, beanbag chair, nylon string lamp hanging from the ceiling! I LOOOVE that you used your beanbag as a closet! LOL! Never heard of that idea before--but, hey, it works, right?

  2. Anonymous6/10/2013

    You must keep the button knobs, they are so you!!!

    Love love love the table, amazing!!

    1. Thanks, Susie! I might still switch the knobs, but you know that those button knobs will end up elsewhere in my house--because you are right--they are sooo me! I squealed when I found them and bought every last one the store had in stock!

  3. Love the table -- it is groovy! I agree that the knobs are a bit distracting. I think something is a grey tone that would go with the chicken wire would be nice.

    1. Thanks! I was thinking grey or silver or white would look better, too!


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