
::Felted Button iPad Cover Ta-Dah::

What are three of my favorite design elements--


Well, this iPad cross-body bag has
them all!! I love cross-body bags because then my hands are free and nothing is slipping off my shoulder. This cover holds your tablet snugly--even if it has a hard cover.

The little button tab closure keeps it safe.

The silliest part is that I don't even own an iPad--I had to borrow my neighbors for the pictures--just wishful thinking with Christmas fast approaching--wishing, dreaming, hoping. (Sigh)

The pattern will be available in the usual places by tomorrow--Etsy and LoveCrafts.

Be well, friends! I am sincerely grateful for you and your visits!

{QUESTION}--What gadget do you own that you just could not seem to live without?

{SUE'S ANSWER)--Sadly, now my phone. It has way too much of my life on it and it seems to replace my memory. Maybe I should try ditching it and see if my brain can pick up the slack!

Linking up to My Merry Messy Life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is gorgeous! I love how you put the polka dots on it and the strap is different colors. This is just too fun! Thanks for sharing at Hookin On Hump Day!


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