
::Infinity Blossom Cowl Ta-Dah::

Ta-Dah! This is my Infinity Blossom Cowl! I love this cowl--the colors, yarn, flowers, little diamonds in the center--and the fact that it can be wrapped or left long.

Remember this Japanese Flower WIP I wrote about back here? Turns out, I was following the diagram incorrectly in the center which made the flowers wonky at the petal edges. So there it sat in one of my many baskets of UFO's until I decided it was going to become part of my next pattern! Because the yarn is so altogether yummy--soft, drapey microfiber sock yarn with awesome long color runs, I had to use it for something lovely against the skin. 

 It could also be worn with a short loop at the neck and a longer one below. Hmmm. I'll have to try that.

I've been on a bit of a cowl thing lately. I think it is because a scarf often needs adjustment and re-fixing, whereas a cowl just stays put! If you know me at all, you'll know that I LOVE things staying done. Think about it--how much of your life stays done? Laundry? Dishes? Cooking? Going to work? Driving? Filling up the car with fuel? Washing the car, children or your hair--anything? Shaving your legs? Cutting your hair? (Thank goodness for the last one as I've had my share of not-so-good haircuts!)You get my point. And a cowl is less likely than a scarf to get shut in the car door--yep,done that and walked away until I was dragged back like a dog on a short leash!

This was a fun one to create! It's also a cool pattern because you can adjust the width and length, make a scarf or shawl, or even a table runner--that's what my awesome pattern tester, Mary, is doing with this one. 

The pattern is now available in the usual place--Etsy.
{QUESTION}--Heels or flats? And why?


  1. That's a very pretty cowl Susan! I really haven't figured out how to get around in google+ yet. I set up my account under my personal name because I thought that was the only way you could do it at the time. And for that reason haven't linked my blog to it. But now I think you have the option to do a page link to your blog??? I don't know - they could give better instructions because I'm lost. I'm on my 4th row of your fantastic Waikiki Wild Flower Blanket. I just love your pattern. I don't know if you saw I did buy your Mandala Crochet Pattern. That one will have to wait until I finish my blanket. I love your patterns! I better get back to crocheting. Boy, has it turned cold here - we had to turn our furnace on yesterday! Thanks for visiting me - I'm so honored!

    1. Thanks, Sandy! I can't wait to see what you have done so far. I posted the picture on a group crochet board and on my Facebook page from your last work-in-progress post of the Waikiki and it has been re-pinned a bunch of times. Should get the word out about how wonderful Teacup Lane is! I did notice that you bought the Mandala pattern! I was so excited--I think you'll have fun making it and I would love to see your finished project when you do! It's cold here, too! Our furnace went on this past weekend. At least you have a beautiful new door to keep everything warm!

  2. Oh it is lovely! Really lovely colours as well! xx

  3. I love the way you use color. This is gorgeous!


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