
::Family Photos--Almost::

My sweet daughter, Lizzie, spent the day with me a few weeks ago.
This is a big deal since she married last year. She is very busy with school, work, married life, and her photography. One thing we did between a trip to the thrift store, boutique shopping and eating our favorite food was to take a few shots for my shop

Lizzie Love Photography

Here are some of the "fruits" of her work.

She's so good with light. I really need her to teach me how to do it on my camera--if it will.

I love her hands. They are long and lean, just like she is. And so like her father's were.

These little bracelets are so much fun to make. I love adding the little details, like buttons and bows.

More buttons. Always a good thing in my opinion.

One of my first knitting endeavors. Love the elbow cut-outs on these gauntlets, but love the beautiful little arms much more! Sold.

Thank you, Lizzie Love, for making my things look their best. But thank you, especially, for being my baby girl. Check out her facebook pages here and here. She is on vacation, but has a load of amazing pictures from a shoot she did called "Blast from the Past". Keep checking back to her pages to see the vintage swimwear, hair and make-up! Very cool!

The final thing she did for me was take a few pictures of our family. I'm bummed that she wasn't in them with her sweetie, Nick, but we'll have to find another photographer for that, now won't we?

My little pill, Luke. One word to describe him...exuberant!

And Power Ranger OBSESSED!

Eric--my 13 year old who looks like he is 16 and loves bow-ties--but only the self-tied kind. (Thank you Dr. Who!) I love that he is so comfortable in his own skin and knows who he is.

And finally--the love of my life! My sweet, smart, steady man!

You can't tell from the look on my face, but I'm officially grossed out. We took these photos at the Great Salt Lake--A very smelly, not-so-pleasant place. Fascinating for a biologist like me, but still stinky.

His eyes make me happy. Just like his daddy's. I'm going to go kiss on him now.


Oh, one more little thing...

I have also finished up my Melmac bowl-Barnacle Fiber Art. I have it in the shop--and it seems quite popular, but I am having a hard time parting with it. The colors--the texture--the BOWL!! In fact, for this reason I didn't take it to the craft fair this weekend. 



  1. Love, love, LOVE!!! This post just makes me happy! I adore you, friend!!

  2. And I adore you, Michelle!

  3. Beautiful post. . yes, yes, that Lizzie is a great photographer a long with many other greats. And she has a great Mom. Love ya friend. Oh by the way take off word verify!


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