
Always My Baby Girl

I am a bit nostalgic today.  Thinking about family and how blessed I am to know that I will be with them forever.  And I am missing my Lizzie.  This is my princess.  The following photos were taken by the talented Michael Sandberg. She will always be my baby.  This year has been a challenging one as I have had to live without her under the same roof and share her with her grandparents.  She has fared fabulously well!  I have struggled, but delighted that she has been strong, capable, successful and happy as she has spread her wings.  When people meet her I usually get a comment about how stunning she is.  I tell them that she is more stunning on the inside than she is on the outside.  True.  We have been through a lot together--a lot of change and our share of hardships.  But she is one tough cookie.  And she has soared on her own wings quite successfully.  I have a feeling things may get even better for her in the near future.

(Hair and make-up by Kylie DeMann)

Now after those amazing hair shots, I need a few with her beautiful new Audrey Hepburnesque pixie cut.  First she needs to come home from Disneyland--AGAIN!!  You can check out her creative blog here.

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