
Luke is 2!!!

Luke is now two!! And I can tell. In fact, anyone can tell. He is the most delightful, cheerful child one minute, and rolling on the floor having a meltdown the next. He has been my only child to go from 0 to 60 and back in just moments. I can see his frustration in not being able to communicate his wishes clearly. And he definitely doesn't understand "just a minute".

For his birthday he opened his Buzz Lightyear and Elmo things early which he really seemed to like. The rest of the day was pretty typical--school with Eric, grocery store, Eric's P.E. class, and home for dinner. When Shannon got home from work, Luke got his Elmo cupcake and a bath with his new tugboat. The next evening we headed off to Jungle Jim's for a little ride. Luke was so excited he literally ran from ride to ride with his favorite being the carousel. Eric is such a great big brother--helping him on rides and keeping an eye out for him. Then came the meltdown--and we were home to bed.

I am so grateful for my children. They bring so much meaning and joy to my life. And the years seem to slip away so fast. The whole idea of sending Eric off to school makes me a bit sad--I'm conflicted. But that is for another post. And I promise that one day I will tell the story of Luke's birth--so disturbing and so amazing that I have yet to record the event.

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