
New Yarn, New Design with Cahlista

Does your yarn talk to you? Sometimes mine does, and sometimes it is very quiet--just resting politely on the shelf awaiting my head and hook to come together with a destiny for it. I've actually got yarn that I've had since I learned to crochet that awaits the proper project. But recently I received every single color of Scheepjes Cahlista in wee 15g balls, and it yelled, "I know what I want to be!" My heart and hook jumped immediately. 

Scheepjes Cahlista yarn -- 100% cotton, 15g and 50 g balls

First thing I needed to do was sort the colors. I let the yarn continue to talk..."Pick me! Pick me!" So many of the 109 colors were talking at the same time, I ended up picking 84 of them. (Hey, I don't like to let anyone feel left out and not get picked for the team.)

Scheepjes Cahlista yarn -- 100% cotton, 15g and 50 g balls

But in the end, I set aside the neutrals. This process not only left me a colorful collection of wee yarn balls, but it also inspired me with an idea for another design involving the neutrals. (Wait for it...)

Scheepjes Cahlista yarn -- 100% cotton, 15g and 50 g balls

Let me tell you a bit about the Scheepjes Cahlista. You can find it in a Colour Pack which contains each of the 109 colors in little 15g balls or you can buy individual Cahlista 50g balls* with the same 109 colors from which to choose. As an aran/worsted weight cotton it has such a nice weight--warm but breathable. Besides the color choices, another favorite trait of this yarn is that is doesn't fuzz like so many other soft cottons. During manufacturing, they do some magical passing over an open flame to singe off all the fuzz, so it is smooth with a matte finish. 

Every Bit Blanket WIP by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

I decided on a 5mm hook with mine and that seems to be just about right to glide smoothly and have a good drape. With only 15g for each little ball, I decided to work a single row with each color. After a bit of calculation, I figured out what the final width and heighth of my blanket would be--yes, just right. Lots of texture, some not-so-precise color planning so it looks a little "scrappy", and I'm off!

Scheepjes Cahlista yarn

You can get a glimpse of the plies and texture here. Like I said, a lovely smooth, matte finish with a gently twisted ply.

Every Bit Blanket WIP by Susan Carlson of Felted Button -- made with Scheepjes Cahlista yarn

This blanket will have a few ends to weave which is always what I get when I use so many colors. But to be honest, the color is always worth it to me. I figure if I'm going to invest this much time, work and money into my project, I want to have something that makes me gleeful in the end. And color makes me heart happy. So--ends are a necessary part of achieving that. (Although I can still curse them whilst weaving them away, right?)

Scheepjes Cahlista yarn and wip by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

Yes. I agree with Georgia O'Keefe. Color makes my world go round. Just keep weaving, just keep weaving...

Every Bit Blanket WIP by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

Since I have bits left over from each row, I am using them to make some simple and textured motifs to add squares to the ends of my blanket for a bit more length and whimsy. I think this is going to be fabulously fun when I finish!

I'll be hopping back in very soon to share the reveal of the blanket in all its beauty. If you are interested in trying some Cahlista you can find it at the following retailers:

Wool Warehouse (UK)*
Knotty House (Canada)*
Scheepjes Retailers listed here.

I'm off to spend some more time with my hook. My yarn is calling...can you hear yours?

| On the Board | -- No one is destined to fail.       ~~Henry B. Eyring

Susan Carlson -- designer of colorful crochet (Felted Button)

*This post contains affiliate links which if used by you does not cost you any more but provides me a small commission. Thanks for supporting more free patterns!


  1. Anonymous2/09/2018

    I can't wait for this pattern and for the ousted neutrals! You're such a prolific artist! You must crochet at mach speeds!!!

    1. Thanks, Valerie! Fortunately I have a lot of time to crochet so that helps.

  2. So pretty! I want to start NOW, but, I must finish a sweater I'm knitting for a friend first. 1/2 of a sleeve and front ribbing left.

    1. Finish that sweater for your friend. This project will be here when you're ready!

  3. Hello Susan!
    I'm thinking about buying the yarn pack and have a question for you. I know that the pattern hasn't been released yet, but could you please let me know how big is the blanket? I would like to make quite big one and I'm considering using two yarn packs.
    I can't wait for the pattern!
    Hugs from Poland!

    1. The pattern was just released today and all the information you need is in the post. I hope you love it!

  4. Didn’t know if I missed it or not but did you have plans to list your color order for the yarn you used?
    Thanks in advance! Lovely blanket!!!!

    1. Good question. Actually, I decided against listing all 84 colors thinking that half the fun is playing with your favorite order! I thought I had mine set when I started but ended up mixing the order a bit as I went depending on my mood..


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