
Wanna Meet Me?

Other than my profile picture or my brief description on my blog or Ravelry profile, you may have no idea who is actually behind Felted Button and all of these colorful crochet patterns. Wanna "meet" me?

Recently, I've had the opportunity to be interviewed by A Little Brighter Podcast. They interview regular people like me about their hobbies and how those hobbies have impacted their lives. Well, mine certainly has impacted my life, and I share a bit about just how that has happened on the podcast.
A Little Brighter Podcast--Interview with Susan Carlson of Felted Button (Colorful Crochet Patterns)
You can listen to the full episode just by clicking here. (Nothing fancy required.)

If, after listening, you still have questions for me, feel free to stop by my Facebook page and ask away!

And you can listen to previous episodes of this fabulously fun podcast here or on iTunes.
This online crochet community has been such a beautiful thing! Thank you for being a part of it and sharing your knowledge, creativity, enthusiasm and support! 

Susan Carlson of Felted Button Colorful Crochet Patterns

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