
::Paint Chips and Good Friends::

This week of "healing" has been a very busy one with my hand! I am amazed and sincerely grateful for the speed at which my hand is returning to relatively normal function. Thank you for your prayers and sweet comments of concern.

Here's what I've been up to...

A new design with texture and stripes and color and patches! Wait and see the simple and clever little method I've come up with to join these little guys!

But I've still got a few more to make--just keep hooking, just keep hooking I say.

I have also been blessed with a very dear friend--the kind that is always there when you "need a hand". The kind that is immediately aware that you are struggling and knows just what to do to help. The kind that sends you gifts in the mail, just because.

Wanna see what she surprised me with this week?

An adorable "yarny" card. I'm not giving it away. I'm framing it. It reminds me of my true love and passion--that of being a MOM.

Button push pins in various shades of pink--today's favorite color. I LOVE them!!

And another VERY "Sue" card with buttons just my colors in a vintage bowl. It's hard to tell which buttons are real and which are part of the picture, huh?! This one is getting framed, too.

Pretty terrific gifts, Cathy. You really GET me. Thank you!

And I'll be spending a little time playing with color today. See, I have four rooms that need some painting in my home, and I need to pick some colors. So I head to my magic purple box...

...peek inside...

...and begin to plan, and dream, and...

...try to decide.

Pretty fun, huh?! I think so.

My Bright as a Button Blanket was featured on Hookin On Hump Day this week. You can see it and other awesome creations here.

Hookin On Hump Day #43 - Link Party for the Fiber Arts! Amazing projects from all over the web, including free patterns and tutorials! Check it out!

{On the Board} -- 
"We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?" asked Piglet. 
"Even longer," Pooh answered. 
                                      ― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh


  1. Great to know that your hand is getting better soon! Congrats on the feature!!
    The cards are adorable!! The one with the tiny sweater is really very cute!!! :)
    Your squares look great! As usual, you always come up with creative and catchy designs:)
    Best wishes for your hand! Hope it gets back perfect soon:)

  2. Hi - new follower Jo here. Love your blog - such a clever lady & very pretty picture.

  3. good to know that your hand is feeling better!!!!
    lovely squares Susan!
    xxxx Ale


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