
::Happy Fall-ing::

Isn't Fall the most amazing time of year? Well, here in my little mountainous neck of the woods world, it is. I love the smell, the crunchy leaves, the warm vibrant colors, the layered clothing, the school supplies, the crocheting. (Oh, actually I enjoy that all year long!) But there is something wonderful about making things with yarn in the cooler weather. Maybe it is because I can snuggle up to work on an afghan without baking in the summer heat. Or maybe it is because I dream of creating cozy, yarny accessories--and that makes me happy.

I have been working on several little projects lately. One is this big grey cowl. I got the pattern here. Super easy. I love the stitch texture and the bamboo/wool I used--nice drape and super soft. I added the surface slip stitching for a bit of color. Who me?? Extra color? Crazy! When I am finished it will be a little rainbowy stripey cowl. I'll post my finished project very soon! 

But I have been a bit more distracted (is it possible?)than usual because...

This is an apron for my new job!

Yes. I accepted a very part time job as an Academic Coach at the local charter school that my boys attend. It is perfect for me and I feel very blessed to have it. It is only a couple of mornings a week, in the same building as my sons, working with teachers and students in the classroom. No grading papers. No long days. Doing something that I love. And it is only while my little Luke is in morning Kindergarten. Perfect, I tell ya. Just perfect.

I made up this apron pattern as I went but haven't written it down. Maybe I will. It is meant to hold all of my little do-dads as I bounce from classroom to classroom helping teachers be the best they can be. Since I don't have a "home-base" I needed a way to carry my things around and an apron seemed just the ticket.

Oh, and I almost forgot, I never took photos of the tissue box covers I upcycled (to cover the monograms from Pottery Barn). Here they are...

This was another of my Olivia Flowers--in a mix of wool and cotton yarns. 

I can't remember where I got this flower pattern. Anyone recognize the flower? I love how the center sits separately from the outer petals.

Hope your day is terrific. Mine was good in so many ways, but two... 1) I had to go to the doctor and it was a bit scary and a bit expensive! 2) I need many more hours to accomplish the things I need to get done before I sleep.

Better get crack-a-lackin'! 

(I have been thinking about asking a question of my readers for each post. I am always curious to know more about you! Please share!) 

{QUESTION}--Where is your favorite place to take pictures?


  1. congratulations for your new job!!!!
    Your cowl : I love the texture and the colours!! Hope to see soon the work done!!
    Answer to your question: the best place to take pictures is in my studio, because in there there is a big window, that allows a lot of light to come in!!
    xxx Alessandra

  2. Hi Susan!
    Thanks for sharing your work over at The Crochet Boulevard, you've got a lovely blog here, I'll check back from time to time! :)

    1. Please come visit anytime, Barbara! I've got your button on my sidebar because I love your page. Thanks!

  3. Hi Susan! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me so nice words!
    Congrats to your new job, it sounds fantastic. Your apron is looking great, I love the colours and all those cute flowers.
    Have a wonderful weekend! xxxBarbina

  4. Hi Susan, Thanks for visiting me and your lovely comments on my doily. They mean a lot to me as they come from an experienced crocheter like you. I loved the glimpses of your beautiful home. Haha... I thought I was the only one who liked to peep into other homes and see their decor ideas. Congrats on your new job. After working full time for 16 years, being a SAHM since the last 6 years is not easy for me and sometimes I wish I could get back into the grind. But that would take away precious time from my crochet which is not acceptable... :) Do count me in the next time you need a tester.

    1. Sangeetha--So glad you visited!! I don't know how experienced of a crocheter that I am, but I know that my time doing it is precious to me, as well! I find it so soothing and satisfying, especially when creating a new pattern! I will definitely include you as a tester! Make certain to follow me on facebook (facebook.com/feltedbutton) as that is where I post for testers!

    2. Reg your question - I click my pics on the swing in my balcony as that is the place I get the best light. Regards

  5. I love all of your projects ... especially the stripey cowl. I can't wait to see it finished. Favorite place to take pictures ... hmmm ... probaby outside :)

    1. Thanks, Kara! I, too, often like the natural light outside! The stripey cowl is finished--take a peek here http://www.feltedbutton.com/2012/10/success-at-thrift-store.html.

  6. Hi Susan! I loved your cowl! The choice of colors is perfect!


    P.S. Loved your apron!

  7. Ok, I know this is CRAZY... but I'm a JEWELRY ADDICT and immediately IN LOVE with that bracelet in the last picture! I LOVE it and would love to know where I'm ms from!? Thank you for these wonderful patterns, I'm LOVING all your stuff!

    1. I sooo understand! I love jewelry, too! I got it from a little exclusive boutique in Salt Lake City called Childrens Hour. I actually own two of them in different colors. They are sooo whimsical and fun with the vintage beads. And thanks for the kind words!

  8. Susan,
    The link for that beautiful grey cowl is either inactive or just plain gone. Is there any way I can still find the pattern?
    Thank you

    1. Hmmm. It works for me. It can be found on the Crochet in Color blog.


I love to hear your thoughts, and I read each and every comment! Take a minute to say hello! Because remember, "Sharing is nice!"

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