
::Embroidery Squeal::

Wanna see what I found at the thrift store this morning?

It literally induced a little squeal--which was a bit embarrassing as I was alone and couldn't pretend I was talking with someone else. $4!! Yes, only 4 wee bucks for this! 

The soft colors, the texture, the size, the detail, the everything. I love it! Very much. I would love to know who made it, but I haven't found any marks indicating anything about it.

Now don't be upset, because I know many are opposed to this, but I am going to paint the frame. I am just not loving brown lately, and so something lighter it will be. Now I must decide. Maybe that light aqua in the roof. Maybe the pale gray.

I also found this lovely embroidered tree. Again, $4. I really like it. Not as much as the "squeally find" (maybe it is that brown), but I like it nonetheless. The colors and details in the leaves and trunk are fabulous. And the collection of french knots for the soil and flower buds are so great! This frame will also get painted something lighter.

I also recently pulled out my measuring stick to work on a school project with my son. It reminded me that I have never shown you my Yardstick (Meterstick) Holder.

I made it a while back out of desperation to solve the problem of storing these babies. A few colorful wool granny squares, joined together, felted with a leafy string for hanging and Ta-Dah!

As Luke learned in Kindergarten...Easy peasy lemon squeezy. The little dress form pin is from my mother. It reminds me of the times I would sneak into her jewelry box as a child and finger the beautiful treasures there.

I have been furiously working on my next two patterns, but they are moving slowly as they are both quite large projects. I'll give you a peek at my progress next post. 

Off to the neighborhood Trunk or Treat. Thank you so much for stopping by. And please, if you hop over to my Facebook page and "like" it, you will be able to stay in the "Button Loop".

{QUESTION}-- Ever met anyone famous or that has made a big impression on you? If so, who?


  1. I love the first embroidery framed work as I love even your granny meterstick holder!!!
    I met a lot of famous persons while living in Milano, but I never had a talk with them so...no big impression!!!
    xxx Alessandra

    1. Oh, how I would love to go to Milano! Lucky duck!

  2. Makes my attempt at embroidery look rather feeble - but we all have to start somewhere ... sigh!

    1. I can so relate! My embroidery is really uneven and pathetic looking. Just keep stitching, I suppose! Thanks for stopping in!


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